Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's All Part of the Plan

Some people have asked me recently where I am going with my writing so I figured this would be as good of a time as any to lay out some of what I have planned for those interested...

Let me start out by saying that I have no shortage of story ideas to write about. Over the years I have accumulated quite a few. Most of them have grown and evolved over the years, and in some cases I have even combined ideas. Some started out as video game ideas back when I was working as a Game Designer and many of them were ideas for comics back when I was leaning towards making my own comics (thankfully I accepted that I don't draw well enough for that and moved on to more productive pursuits). In any event, I have a lot of things I want to write before all is said and done.

That brings us to the present. I recently published Keepers of the Tallath, my first short story. That was a fun and rewarding exercise in many ways. It also allowed me to scratch one thing off of that mental list of stories that I have. As luck would have it though, discussing Keepers with some people spawned a new story idea to take its place on "The List". It is an intriguing idea, but one that I have not put much thought into at this time so it will not be happening any time soon.

While working on Keepers I have also been working on my first full length book. It is a fantasy novel that is the first in a planned trilogy called Imildurin Tales. This story is one of the oldest ones I have had and it has gone through much evolution over the years. I am really enjoying writing it (finally) and I am looking forward to being wrapped up in this world for the next few years. The overall story is planned out in such a way that there could be other books coming in the future from this same universe. I am trying to create a rich world with a definite sense of history so it is definitely possible that I could end up writing more books in this series after the original three I have planned that take place either before or after the current trilogy.

That brings me back to "The List". My plan is to continue to put out the occasional short story while working on Book 1 of Imildurin Tales. Once I get Book 1 published, however I ultimately end up doing that, I will reassess this plan, but for now I want to work to self-publish some shorter works while continuing to move forward on my bigger projects. Thankfully I have enough short story ideas to support this plan for the foreseeable future. I have my next short story all lined up and I am pretty sure I know which one I want to tackle after that. Beyond that, I have at least two more full-length books I want to write, a couple series ideas which could end up being collections of short stories, and also a couple children's book ideas.

So, to boil this all down into one statement; there is plenty more to come. I have just scratched the surface on my writing plans and I am really looking forward to where this is going to go. I have enjoyed every minute of this journey so far and the thought of putting something out there that even a single person would really enjoy is enough to sustain me when I hit a bit of a wall. I know this is going to be a long, hard road and that there will be plenty of bumps along the way, but I have no intention of turning back now. So why not join me?

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Getting the ball rolling!

So this is probably a little more exciting than it should be, but I don't care... I published my first short story! Keepers of the Tallath is now available to download from Amazon (for you Kindle owners) and Smashwords. I'll pause while you go download it immediately.

So here it is, my first self published short story has been unleashed on an unsuspecting world. It's a short sci-fi story that I hope you will enjoy. It is a bit of a thrill to finally release this, but I also know this is just a first step down a long path of writing. So it is back to work now on bigger and better projects. The best is yet to come.

Any help spreading the word on this is much appreciated. Please tell your friends or leave reviews where you download the story or on Goodreads. Much thanks in advance!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What Is Going On Here?

Hi! I'm Chris. Nice to meet you. Now that we have that out of the way...

So I am a writer now. I hesitate to refer to myself as a writer sometimes since it is still such a new thing for me in a lot of ways, but in some other ways is not. I have decided to fall back on the simple philosophy of I write, therefore I am writer! Hopefully that is what brings you here to my little corner of the internet.

So getting to the title of this post; what is going on here? Well, I am making this base camp for all my writing endeavors. I have a sizable queue of things to write (a little more on that in a future post) and by posting here I aim to keep people up to date on what I am working on and what they can look forward to from my writing.

Currently I am working on my first full-length novel. I do not want to give too much away about it right now, but it is a fantasy novel that is the first book in a trilogy. A trilogy that could someday be a part of a larger series of books, but for now this trilogy is all I have planned.

I also have a short science fiction story called Keepers of the Tallath that I am currently trying to put the finishing touches on. I hope to have it done and ready to be self published by early December. The plan is to out it out on Smashwords and possibly also Amazon. Once it is out the door I have a fantasy short story to start next.

My plan is to have short stories to work on and self publish while I work on my longer projects. Hopefully over time this will allow me to put out a decent body of work while also building a solid following of readers. In any case it will at the very least enable me to get some of these stories out of my head and make room for new ones.

I will close by simply welcoming you aboard at the opening steps of what I hope will be a long and rewarding journey. I am glad to have you along.